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Domain 4 is focused on the ability to demonstrate historical and deeper understandings of what ASD is comprised of. Domain 4 also addresses the social, ethical, and moral issues that can effect the educational outcomes of individuals with ASD. This Domains asks for a demonstration of in depth understanding in regards to clinical definition, identification, historical precedence, placement and services. This domain also requires that an individual be up-to-date in current trends, evidence-based practices, and research. As a professional working with individuals on the spectrum you should ensure that all decision making is based on the individual, are ethical and care should be taken to include family and the individual in decision making practices to ensure that individual strengths and weaknesses are addressed

4.1 Knowledge of the definitions and issues related to the identification of ASD.

This artifact is from SPED 756 and is a reflection on key concepts, discussion ideas, and overall summaries from journal articles and text books that explain definitions and issues related to the identification of ASD.  These articles enhance and explore greater understanding of issues facing individuals on the spectrum and outline important clinical definitions and identification. 

4.2 Knowledge of the continuum of placement and services.

This artifact is from SPED 756 and is a presentation on the placement services at a local school district. The presentation outlines some of the issues that a district has with placement services and how improvements could be made to the way services are handled currently. Historical inquiry into the district and the importance of continuum services is addressed along side legal precedence. 

4.3 Knowledge of the historical foundations and classic studies of ASD.

This artifact is from SPED 756 and is a reflection on key concepts, discussion ideas, and overall summaries from journal articles and text books that explain definitions and issues related to the historical foundations of ASD becoming a recognized clinical condition, and how historically individuals were treated along with classical understanding of psychology, social and emotional behavior, and mental development

4.4 Knowledge of the trends and practices in the field of ASD.

This artifact is from SPED 860 

4.5 Knowledge of the concepts of self-determination, self-advocacy, community and family support, and impact in the lives of individuals with ASD.

The artifact for domain 4.5 is an SPED 785 presentation and video recording about the family dynamic of having a child with ASD. Discussions about advocacy, access to therapy, insurance, and the struggles of every day life are discussed to reflect on the way ASD impacts the lives  of individuals. 

4.6 Knowledge of the effect of core and associated characteristics of ASD on family dynamics and functioning.

This artifact is from SPED 756 and is a reflection on key concepts, discussion ideas, and overall summaries from journal articles and text books that explain the core aspects of family dynamics, family functioning, and associated characteristics of ASD.  The readings addresses stereotypes within cultures and discusses how to have your voice heard as the family member of a child with ASD when going through evaluations and placement. 

4.7 Knowledge of the social and ethical issues that affect the education of learners, families, and professionals.

This artifact is from SPED 756 and is a reflection on key concepts, discussion ideas, and overall summaries from journal articles and text books that explain the social and ethical parts of educating an individual with ASD. The key findings found in the readings addressed the social inequities in culturally diverse schools and focused on inclusive school reform issues facing administration. 

4.8 Teach others to actively engage individuals with ASD in individualized education and life planning.

This artifact is my personal philosophy on special education. My philosophy focuses on actively engaging individuals with special needs and focusing on them as individuals to establish the most supportive educational atmosphere as possible. It also reflect on inclusive practices and equity across all sociodemographic areas. 

4.9 Teach others to use individual strengths to reinforce and maintain skills.

The artifact for domain 4.9 is an SPED 854 document on coaching paraprofessionals or other professionals within a school setting on how to best reinforce and maintain skills while building on personal strengths. The coaching conversation also lends itself to inclusion as well. 

4.10 Model the use and implementation of assistive technology and augmentative or alternative communication to aid in comprehension and learner engagement.

The artifact for domain 4.10 is an SPED 871 practicum project over social skills and communication. During my practicum I worked with a nonverbal student with ASD who I used the evidence-based practice of technology-aided instruction and intervention (TAII) to facilitate social communication using an online application called Cough Drop. The online application was a text to speech generating device to help add voice to the individual and further engage him in socialization and communication. 


Domain 4 Strengths and Growth

The core areas of strength in Domain 4 are in the areas of historical knowledge about ASD and how family dynamics play a role in the support and care for a child with ASD. I have personal experience in understanding the role that family and caregivers play in advocating and integrating therapies and strategies for learning into their education and home lives. An area of growth that I have identified is the area of teaching others how to help, engage, and actively participate in the planning process for individuals on the spectrum. As a general education teacher I sometimes find that other general education teachers do not put the correct amount of effort into helping students on the spectrum. Often these kids can be overlooked and I could use help in building more strategies to further the discussions on best practices for their classrooms. 


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Lee's Summit, MO 64064


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