The Domains

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1.1 Knowledge of medical aspects & implications for learning
1.2 Knowledge of core & associated characteristics of ASD
1.3 Knowledge of co-existing conditions in general population
1.4 Recognition of sensory challenges of ASD
1.5 Understanding speech, language, & communication needs
1.6 Addressing adaptive behavior needs
1.7 Effect of theory of mind, central coherence, & executive function
1.8 Effect of neurological differences on learning & behavior
1.9 Knowledge of the effect of self-regulation on learning & behavior
1.1 Instruction for independent life skills & adaptive behavior
1.11 Use specialized instruction to enhance social participation
1.12 Instruction based on learner, interests, & assessment
3.1 Use specialized terminology in assessment of ASD
3.2 Assess environmental conditions that promote performance
3.3 Components of assessment for the core areas of ASD
3.4 Knowledge of criteria to diagnose or identify ASD
3.5 Knowledge of comprehensive assessment
3.6 Comprehensive transition assessment
3.7 Strategies for monitoring & analyzing challenging behavior
3.8 Conduct functional behavior assessments & behavior support
3.9 Assessments drive instruction decisions
3.10 Collect, interpret, & use data to document outcomes
3.11 Conduct FBA to determine what initiates & maintains behavior
2.1 Effect of evidence-based career & vocational transition
2.2 Benefits of low- through high-technology supports
2.3 Evaluating effectiveness of interventions & strategies
2.4 Provide strategies to avoid & repair miscommunications
2.5 Instruction for independent life skills & adaptive behavior
2.6 Specialized instruction to enhance social participation
2.7 Systematic instruction based on learner, interests, & assessment
2.8 Instruction promotes effective communication skills
2.9 Specialized instruction for spoken language, reading, & writing
2.10 Structure the physical environment for optimal learning
2.11 Instruction in self-regulation
2.12 Utilize student strengths to reinforce & maintain social skills
4.1 Knowledge of the definitions and issues related to the identification of ASD.
4.2 Knowledge of the continuum of placement and services.
4.3 Knowledge of the historical foundations and classic studies of ASD.
4.4 Knowledge of the trends and practices in the field of ASD.
4.5 Knowledge of the concepts of self-determination, self-advocacy, community and family support, and impact in the lives of individuals with ASD.
4.6 Knowledge of the effect of core and associated characteristics of ASD on family dynamics and functioning.
4.7 Knowledge of the social and ethical issues that affect the education of learners, families, and professionals.
4.8 Teach others to actively engage individuals with ASD in individualized education and life planning.
4.9 Teach others to use individual strengths to reinforce and maintain skills.
4.10 Model the use and implementation of assistive technology and augmentative or alternative communication to aid in comprehension and learner engagement.
5.1 Work cooperatively with services, networks, and organizations for individuals, professionals, and families with ASD.
5.2 Collaborate with team members to plan transition to adulthood that encourages full community participation.
5.3 Coordinate processes that encourage collaboration needed for transition between settings.
5.4 Provide leadership in collaborating with individuals and families around issues of sexuality.
5.5 Collaborate with families and other team members in nonjudgmental ways to make informed decisions about interventions and life planning.
5.6 Promote collaborative practices that respect individual family culture, dynamics, and values and the effect the diagnosis may have on the family.
5.7 Connect families and professionals to educational and community resources.
6.1 Understand the general education curriculum and supports to facilitate learner success.
6.2 Integrate a range of environmental supports that maximize learning.
6.3 Modify verbal and nonverbal communication and instructional behavior to meet learner needs.
6.4 Implement activities and techniques for developing independent living skills.
6.5 Apply inclusive principles in the education of individuals with ASD.
6.6 Develop and implement transition plans for individuals between settings and across the life span.
6.7 Align job requirements and individual skills, preferences, and characteristics.
6.8 Implement instructional strategies that promote the generalization of skills across domains and settings.
6.9 Arrange program environments to facilitate spontaneous communication.
6.10 Design and implement instruction that promotes effective communication and social skills.
6.11 Identify evidence-based strategies to increase self-awareness and the ability to self-regulate.
6.12 Identify evidence-based strategies to increase an individual’s self-determination of activities, services, and preferences.
7.1 Demonstrate knowledge of current etiology and practice-based research specific to ASD.
7.2 Interpret and relay research findings in layperson terms or jargon-free language.
7.3 Remain informed of current research, legislation, and debate concerning ASD.
8.1 Use electronic, print, and organizational resources related to ASD.
8.2 Demonstrate knowledge of how to prepare personnel and community members for interaction with individuals with ASD.
8.3 Promote high expectations for self, staff, and individuals with ASD.
8.4 Demonstrate knowledge of how to provide structure, ongoing training, and support to families, professionals, and paraprofessionals.
8.5 Demonstrate knowledge of how to develop and monitor routines, schedules, and sequences of events and activities.
8.6 Act as a positive role model for acceptance of, treatment of, and interaction with individuals with ASD and their families.