The fifth domain is collaboration. There are seven associated competencies in this domain. The primary focus of this domain is on your ability to demonstrate how you work cooperatively and collaboratively with families and other team members in nonjudgmental ways to make informed decisions about interventions and life planning for learners with ASD.
This domain requires you to demonstrate your understanding of leadership skills necessary in collaborating with services, networks, and organizations for individuals, professionals, and caregivers to promote collaborative practices that connect families and professionals to educational and community resources. Evidence in this domain should highlight your efforts to:
Respect individual family culture, dynamics, and values.
Plan transition to adulthood (or a change in service delivery/educational setting) by encouraging development needed for community participation.
5.1 Work cooperatively with services, networks, and organizations for individuals, professionals, and families with ASD.
The artifact that was used for competency 5.1 was the running project for SPED 860. This project focused on the methodology of working with individuals with ASD. It discusses the importance of using evidence-based practices and focuses on the fads and pseudosciences versus the scientifcially tested ways to create meaningful intervention. The project also provides multiple resources in what some of the evidence based practices look like, and various websites that can provide more information about ASD.
5.2 Collaborate with team members to plan transition to adulthood that encourages full community participation.
The artifact that was used for competency 5.2 is the assessment over providing social supports to student transitioning to adulthood or post-secondary education. This assessment provides documentation that a thorough knowledge of how to collaboratively address the needs of an individual with ASD is important in order to have a successful transition from high school in the real world.
5.3 Coordinate processes that encourage collaboration needed for transition between settings.
The artifact used for competency 5.3 is an AFIRM certificate noting the completion of a m odule over parent implemented intervention. Parents and caregivers of individual with ASD must also be stakeholders and key leaders in helping someone with ASD navigate transitions whether into adulthood or between settings. It is important that a coniuity of practices is maintained in order for the skills to be better generalized across multiple settings.
5.4 Provide leadership in collaborating with individuals and families around issues of sexuality.
The artifact used for competency 5.4 is a commentary on an article about issue of sexuality and sex education in families and individuals with ASD. This is a current hot topic in many public schools as often legislatures try to block discussing topics of this nature regardless of age in the school system. This has even recently resulted in the banning of books containing topics of pronouns amd sexuality.
5.5 Collaborate with families and other team members in nonjudgmental ways to make informed decisions about interventions and life planning.
The artifact used for competency 5.5 is an AFIRM certificate noting the completion of a m odule over peer-mediated instruction and intervention. This module discussed the importance of peer mentoring and peer engagement when creating an intervention and utilizes peers as a means to create meaningful instruction and experiences. Peers can also help build communication and socialization skills that are vital in life planning.
5.6 Promote collaborative practices that respect individual family culture, dynamics, and values and the effect the diagnosis may have on the family.
The artifact used for competency 5.6 is an assignment from SPED 757 over article reviews. These articles were all about collaborative decision making practices and cultural representation. The assignment recognized key ideas, findings and a summary of article content.
5.7 Connect families and professionals to educational and community resources.
The artifact used for competency 5.7 was a running project from SPED 760. The running project was an informative presentation that clarified and defined what ASD is and then offered several points of view on the disorder. It contained information that can help further understanding of neurodiverse individuals and it provides online and community resources for familes and professionals to use.
Domain 5 Strengths and Growth
In Domain 5 several strengths have been identified in that throughout the classwork and professional experience in teaching, I have developed skill sets that can help with collaborative efforts in ways to talk to parents, professionals, teachers, and even students. I am often collaborating in various ways to help facilitate unique experiences for my students or help in special education meetings by offering advice and work to develop solutions to problems that face our student population. An area of growth for my future in special education is within the realm of sexuality. Working in public school with middle school aged students does lend to a lot of curiosity amongst students, but with new mandates sweeping across the country and school districts in regards to how to talk to and address students about sexuality, it seems that making sure our population of students has the knowledge they need for sexual awareness, safety, and basic biology is at risk.