The 7th Domain is about understanding research and inquiry. it is important to have grasp on current etiology, evidence-based and practice-based research. It is also imperative that you stay up-to-date in new legislation and debate surround autism spectrum disorder. Finally, being able to discuss ASD in way that is "jargon-free" will allow you to interact and engage while teaching others about ASD in a stress-free setting that allows for good communication between parties.
7.1 Demonstrate knowledge of current etiology and practice-based research specific to ASD.
The artifact for compentency 7.1 is an assignment from SPED 760 over the GARS-3 assessment. This is one of the most widely used tools to assess individuals for ASD along with the severity of ASD. It is a tool utilized by parents, teachers, and clinicians and includes several areas in which to assess including demographics information. This artifact reflects on the act of evaluating an individual and what areas that could be considered for future evaluation.
7.2 Interpret and relay research findings in layperson terms or jargon-free language.
The artifact for competency 7.2 is an assignment for EPSY 715 over relaying and interpreting research data. This was a group project in which I was a major contributer to the explaination of findings and interpretation of the data with the research articles.
7.3 Remain informed of current research, legislation, and debate concerning ASD.
The artifact for competency 7.3 is a video commentary over the reading called, "Lives Worth Living". This video commentary reviewed the history of education and civil rights legislation and discussed how legislation has impacted individuals with disabilities.

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Domain 7 Strengths and Growth
Within Domain 7 there are several strengths in my understanding of the competencys associated with it. My artifacts show that I have a strong understanding of legislation, current research, and debate over areas involving ASD. I also feel that I am knowledgeable im current practice-based research. An area of growth for me in the future would be in relaying of research findings and explaining concepts in simpler terms. At the beginning of this program I thought I would never get the hang of all the acronyms used, but now, I feel as though I use them without thought and this can actually cause confusion when discussing education and ASD best practices with people less knowledgeable or with no prior knowledge of ASD.