The 8th and final domain is about leadership and policy. Within this domain there are six competencies that reflect on knoweldge covering resources, treatment, interaction, leadership, and acceptance of individuals with ASD. This domain describes your preparedness to work with key members of a community or personnel of a clinic or school. It showcases full understanding of how to support, teach, structure, organize, and train individuals with ASD and individuals about ASD.

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Within Domain 8 there are several areas of strengths that also relat back to my chosen track of leadership. I feel this Domain relates back to many of the assignments and strengths that I have held through out the entire program. I have created videos and shared resources with stories of my own struggles in getting therapies for my son. I have personalized my message and made sure I was relatable to colleagues and professionals and other families. An area that I do see potential growth is in promoting high expectations of others. I have not yet had the opportunity to take on a role of leadership in my school, but I hope to lead by example and encourage others to have high expectations for themselves.
Domain 8 Strengths and Growth
8.1 Use electronic, print, and organizational resources related to ASD.
The artifact for competency 8.1 is the running project from SPED 790. It covers methods for learners with higher functioning autism spectrum disorder. This artifact contains video and electronic resources that are accessible through the internet in order to better support individuals with ASD and their families or caretakers.
8.2 Demonstrate knowledge of how to prepare personnel and community members for interaction with individuals with ASD.
The artifact for competency 8.2 is a video commentary over a research article about the limitations or lack there of that a person with ASD has. It discusses how individuals with ASD may have a disability, but deserve to be afforded the same rights throughout their community and school setting.
8.3 Promote high expectations for self, staff, and individuals with ASD.
The artifact for competency 8.3 is a video commentary from SPED 758 over providing acces too and creating IEPs that implore FAPE and LRE as vital aspect to special education. In the commentary there is a discussion on having high standards for providing support and discusses team member roles to make sure an individual in special education has access to all the resources they need.
8.4 Demonstrate knowledge of how to provide structure, ongoing training, and support to families, professionals, and paraprofessionals.
The artifcat for competency 8.4 is a video commentary from the IEP Sandbox assignment. This commentary provides a critique over the importance of having all stakeholders present during an IEP meeting in addition to all the information that can be gathered in order to provide structure and support for an stakeholders and the individual on the IEP.
8.5 Demonstrate knowledge of how to develop and monitor routines, schedules, and sequences of events and activities.
The artifact for competency 8.5 is a video commentary about the business of providing dignity to out students. This commentary discusses how to help manage and monitor classrooms and individuals through events and activities with the most respect and dignity as possible. Domonstrating basic dignity is a human right and one that should be afforded to all individuals with a disability.
8.6 Act as a positive role model for acceptance of, treatment of, and interaction with individuals with ASD and their families.
The artifact for competency 8.6 is a video commentary that I produced for the case study students provided by the University of Kansas. This vdeo is about my personal experiences as a parent of an individual with ASD and discusses the treatment of families, clinical interactions, and support recieved through the process of diagnosis to understanding insuarance and finding resources.